Book Lists, Children's Books, Miss Lindsey's Lists, Seasonal

Rainbows and Swimming Book List

Boy, has the summer flown by! We have been enjoying as much sunshine and family time as possible. Miss Lindsey put together a summer book list that includes rainbows and swimming. These are two of our favorite summer things. Some of these books focus on learning to swim or having the courage to try something new and be yourself. We hope you have been having a wonderful summer and enjoy these book selections.

To view all the books on, click below.

The Color of Us: My First Book of Skin Colors

Planting a Rainbow

Jabari Jumps


Julián is a Mermaid

Froggy Learns to Swim

My Rainbow

Maisy Learns to Swim


Moonbear’s Skyfire

The Rainbow Hunters

Hop at Swimming Class

The Rainbow Tulip

Hooray for Fish!

A Rainbow of My Own

Do you have a favorite book in our selection? Is there one you would love to add?

Miss Lindsey was a youth librarian in our local library and always has wonderful suggestions for us to read. Want to see more of Miss Lindsey’s Picks? See the full list here.

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