Book Lists, Miss Lindsey's Lists

A Month of Light Book List

A Month of Light Book List

December is the last month of the year and holds the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, on the 21st. What better way to celebrate than with a Month of Light Book List? Holiday spirits are high, and kindness and giving are at the forefront of the mind. Wishing you find a new read or recall a favorite while reading through Miss Lindsey’s latest picks.

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Tiny T. Rex and the Very Dark Dark

The House in the Night

Light the Menorah!: A Hanukkah Handbook

Ella’s Night Lights

Chanukah Lights Everywhere


Season of Light


Beyond the Pond

The Shortest Day

The Lights That Dance in the Night

Dream Snow


Thank you, Miss Lindsey for a great collection of books for us. View our full collection of Miss Lindsey’s Picks.

Want some fun ideas this fall? Check out our Winter Fun List

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